Counselor's Newsletter
Warm Fuzzies
Has your child shown you their ‘warm fuzzy’? If not, ask them to see the warm fuzzy they received from Mrs. Edge. We talked to each class about how Argyle West Elementary is a warm fuzzy school. We are creating a culture of kindness in our school and it begins with how we treat each other. AWE is going to be a kind-hearted, empathetic, bully-free, and inclusive school. In other words, we are a warm fuzzy school, not a cold prickly school. Ask your students about it, they will be able to tell you the entire warm fuzzy story.
Mrs. Edge’s dog, Remy, with warm fuzzies all over him. Ask your child where the warm fuzzy train made the delivery.
Kelso’s Choice
We wanted to make you aware of another school wide curriculum we are teaching each class. The program, Kelso’s Choice, is a conflict resolution curriculum that features a frog puppet named Kelso who teaches students to differentiate between small problems that they can solve and those that are potentially dangerous and serious. When children face a “small” problem, we are going to ask that they try the following ideas:
In the case of “BIG” problems (serious or frightening), we talk about what to do in order to get help from a trusted adult nearby. By using this plan, we believe that our students will develop effective problem-solving skills that they can use again and again. We believe in empowering our students to work through problem situations.
When we discuss Kelso’s Choice in the classroom, we talk about how these problem solving strategies can be applied at home, sports/arts activities, so our students are able to reflect on these situations outside of the school setting to solve problems. Each student will receive a small Kelso’s Choice Wheel that they can refer back to when needed. We’d encourage you to print the wheel and have one at home to refer to.
For 2nd, 3rd and 4th, we have already completed the lesson and will be sharing it in Pre-K, kinder, and 1st over the next three weeks.
Please let us know if you ever need our support or have any questions.
Marjorie Edge ( - PreK, kindergarten, second grade, fourth grade
Heather Kennedy ( - kindergarten, first grade, third grade